Vägkon med texten Stopp! Arbete pågårFoto: Anders Andersson/Scandinav bildbyrå

Planned server downtime October 3-5

Due to an upgrade and change for the My Pages there will be a planned server downtime from the afternoon of October 3 and the whole of October 4-5.

We are updating My Pages and on October 6 you will be greeted by a new look and have to search a bit to find what you usually know exactly where it is. But don’t worry, it will be there. We have not removed any function that we have now.

Those who have received an offer with a deadline to respond during the period 3-5 October do not need to worry,. We have moved your date forward and you can respond on October 6, if you haven’t already responded before the downtime. The apartments that are published now either have an end date before the shutdown or the last notification is October 6.

Dates that are affected:

October 3 – downtime from late afternoon

October 4-5 – downtime, no access

October 6 – everything should work again but you might need some time to find your way around

Skapad: 2022-09-30

Senast uppdaterad: 2023-06-29 kl: 11:27

Eva-Lisa Svensson
Eva-Lisa Svensson

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