
Autumn Study Checks

To rent a student apartment through Skövdebostäder, you need to present a valid admission letter or registration certificate for this term and an approved study result from the previous term equivalent to at least 15 credits from the University of Skövde. To ensure that you meet the study requirement, study checks are conducted once per term, and now it’s time for the autumn 2024 checks.

Dates for Study Checks
The study checks are conducted during the following three occasions depending on which residential area you live in. Fältskären is exempt from the study check for the autumn term 2024 and can disregard this. Those of you renting through the University of Skövde can also disregard this information.

1st of October
Gamla skolan

22nd of October

19th of November

How It Works 
On the date of the respective study check, you will receive an email from the StudboAdmin system. If you have not received an email, please check your spam folder. Once you have received the email, we ask that you upload your certificates as soon as possible. If you do not have login details from before, you need to register an account first; you will receive an email with instructions. You then upload your registration certificate and result certificate as a PDF files in the system. Screenshots are not accepted. You can already prepare your documents for the study check.

If you do not have the required study results, you can apply for an exemption. Form Application for Exemption
A certificate from your study counsellor is required, and if you have received an exemption before, you cannot apply again; we approve exemptions for one term during your entire housing period. For questions about certificates, contact your study counsellor. The exemption application with the accompanying certificate should be sent to before the study check begins in your area. The processing time is approximately three weeks.

Do You Not Meet the Requirements? 
If you already know that you will not meet the requirements for the study check, you should terminate your lease with a three month notice period. You can do this easily on My Pages under “Mina kontrakt” and “Kontraktsuppsägning.”

Skapad: 2024-11-11

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-11-19 kl: 11:35

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